I have a confession to make: I don’t really care about the Oscars.

I mention this largely because my Twitter timeline is essentially obsessed by them, apparently.  For myself, the last time I’ve actually watched any significant portion of the Academy Awards ceremony was 2004, when Peter Jackson was finally hailed God-Emperor of the Geeks by the Academy for The Lord of the Rings.  That was an epic night, and I’ve shown no interest in the awards ever since.

I mean, is the program on tonight, or something?  – Because it’s Thursday. I don’t see why they would have an awards program like this on on Thursday, right?

4 thoughts on “I have a confession to make: I don’t really care about the Oscars.”

  1. Growing up, it was huge, because we only had a few channels and this was a night the entirety of Hollywood was in one place. It was grand and beautiful and weirdly real in a way we rarely saw — people overwhelmed with emotion trying to mention every person who ever had an impact on them while it went long….

    …then I got older, and Forrest Gump beat Pulp Fiction, and we got a lot more channels and then there was E Entertainment Television and…

    Meh. They don’t really matter any more. The one possible good thing about them is it means we get movies made about emotional subjects with growth and depth made to be released from December 19th through 31st in a desperate attempt to get nominated.

    One day, December 30th will be known as Oscar Bait Night, and every movie not targeting the blockbuster/IMax demographic will be released that one night, and people will take the day off and binge on movies about people and their emotions and the desolation of the human condition and the struggle to survive against hopeless uncaring odds and all the cancer, and then New Year’s Eve they will cavort and drink and talk about amazing films and then on New Year’s Day they’ll watch the parade and football and get psyched for the latest “Saw” remake.

    None of which will make the Oscars worth watching.

    However, to answer your question, they announced the nominees today. The show is later this year.

    1. “One day, December 30th will be known as Oscar Bait Night, and every movie not targeting the blockbuster/IMax demographic will be released that one night, and people will take the day off and binge on movies about people and their emotions and the desolation of the human condition and the struggle to survive against hopeless uncaring odds and all the cancer, and then New Year’s Eve they will cavort and drink and talk about amazing films and then on New Year’s Day they’ll watch the parade and football and get psyched for the latest “Saw” remake.”

      This is not a bad idea.

  2. I stopped watching award shows when I realized that they are just circle jerks. I don’t like circle jerks unless I am a part of one.
    *walks out of thread and returns when he realizes what he said*
    Er… I really don’t want to be a part of any circle jerks either. If anyone wants to be part of one, there’s noth-
    *Gator is then forcibility lead out of the thread*

  3. I view movies as escapism, therefore movies I enjoy never get nominated. Of course if Bay is ever nominated for best film, it could mean we have a problem

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