I know that sounds crazy, but look at the eyes, man.
Those of the eyes of somebody who can go Most of my ancestors were vicious bastards, and we kept all their notes and journals. I dunno. She just gives me a vibe that tells me that I shouldn’t throw a chair at her in a bar fight… what? Look, just because I’ve never been in a bar fight doesn’t mean I didn’t inherit the genes for it, thank you very much…
The House of Windsor (since 1914!) has been made of survivors. And the British Empire* was not made by wimps. If the British slow boil turns hot look out!
*Your ancestors, Moe, did know that these were people not to take lightly. French? Spaniards? Look out for these guys – when they get going others ought to be long gone.
(Though it is nice that she is wearing the same booch. Softens the whole “sitting on a throne of skulls and swords and offering you tea before deciding to open that vintage bottle of ‘Olde Tudor Two-Handed’ on you” vibe they do have.)
I think they may be the same pearls, too.
As Americans I have always thought we had the best of both worlds: no royalty of our own, so no down side … but, hey, what the heck! we do sort of have dibs on England. So super good tabloids, etc. etc. Upside all the way!
And she has taken, always, IMHO, the best of her limited options with style and grace.
Did you catch the one a couple of months ago of her photobombing a couple of girl soccer players! Yeah, she could totally hold her own in a bar fight, with a giggle.
I’ve seen pictures of the woman firing an assault rifle with a look that could be described as “polite, restrained glee.”
Those bottles of ‘Olde Tudor Two-Handed’ haven’t gone bad, you understand; just more concentrated. God alone knows what the dowagers of the empire have in their ‘just in case’ lockers.*
*Kind of makes you think that PG Wodehouse wasn’t so far off in his assessment of the British upper class women.
“Why did the British colonize the world?”
“To escape their wives and fiancées.”
I only recently learned of this, but, *ahem* http://m.huffpost.com/us/entry/6533236
So, SO, good*.
*If true. It HAS to be true. It just HAS to be.
She was just checking the ergonomics.
That’s all.
Heh. “Unlike many visitors to Belfast’s Titanic Studios, the monarch declined to take a seat on the throne created for the ruler of the mythical Seven Kingdoms.”