Today is an infrastructure day.

Kids are out at school, wife is home, so of course we’re cleaning the house. And getting the car’s transmission checked. And pulling twenty metric butt-tons of extruded plastic junk out of the kids’ room and packing the still-usable stuff for charity. And getting my wife’s new computer ready for her looming switch-over. And… look, sorry, blogging is at the bottom of this particular list. Maybe later.

3 thoughts on “Today is an infrastructure day.”

    1. Maybe, but there’s another dynamic at work here as well. I haven’t seen it, but there’s a good probability that the movie just *sucked*, and those associated with it are expecting a pat on the head with an affirmative-action Oscar, because black guy.
      Not sure how that translates to broader politics, except that no one’s talking about Obama’s Peace Prize anymore.

  1. This is the second day in a row I am trying to make eclairs. Failure is looming again.

    I spit upon your infrastructure.

    Now, in case you are wondering: that was a quote from the either Buffy the Vampire Slayer or Angel… and it was either a French woman spitting on Gypsies or a Gypsy spitting on a French woman. Whichever, my husband and I have found it to be a most useful phrase. I gift it to you and Mrs. Moe.

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