…and getting them haircuts, and having them run around the inside playground, and whatnot. To be honest, I’m getting the general impression that I didn’t miss much, either. Nice to have a quiet Saturday afternoon for a change, huh?
Yeah, I know, not real interesting. But I always feel weird when I take an afternoon off and don’t say why. Possibly I have a psychological condition?
Moe, if you tee yourself up like that, sure as heck we WILL take advantage of it. i’m guessing that you have an overgrown sense of responsibility. it happens when you have kids and a job and like that. just one more thing our friends on the left will mostly never understand.
Just sayin’ — I certainly expect a new post at least every other hour. LOL*
* and at least one with LOTS of asterisks!
Your kids will never be younger… err or something like that. Enjoy!
Then when they have gone to bed, watch this: http://youtu.be/0Z09bNgSeMI (Danger 5)*
*Which you may already know about
That does, in fact, look amazingly messed up.