This should prove amusing.
Has Bill Nye Just Sold Us Down the River on GMO Labeling?
— AlterNet (@AlterNet) March 23, 2015
Alternet apparently will be taking pseudoscience’s side – which is to say, a hysterical terror towards the very idea of genetic engineering – on this one. Personally, I’m rooting for injuries, which should surprise nobody…
I honestly don’t get the GMO freakout myself. We have been “genetic engineering” plants and animals for 9,000 to 11,000 years now. It is called, breeding!
These people have seen too many movies and apparently actually think that putting a gene to create Vitamin A in rice (for example) could possibly cause the rice to mutate and…produce the poison from that awful The Happening movie, that almost killed the human race.
I mean, if you put it that starkly, they’ll protest, but they apparently actually ARE afraid that who knows what horrible thing might happen.
Duh. Eugenics. It is the guilty who scream the loudest…..
It’s magical thinking. Specifically the laws of sympathy and contagion.
This plant had its DNA altered in ways I do not understand.
Consuming it may cause my DNA to become altered in ways I don’t understand.
No. Mendel and Borlaug did “breeding”. Genetic engineering is not the same thing.
One is selecting for genes a plant species already has, the other is adding genes that were never in the plant species before, sometimes never in the plant kingdom before.
I expect the low-information fear-junkies to not get this, but .. these are different.
they just need to grow some DNA-free food. i’m sure there are plenty of those around.
Well, I’ve never encountered inorganic food, but somehow labeling your food as organic is a bit deal for some people.
SNL bit “Quarry breakfast cereal” from the Jane Curtain era .. but yeah.