It’s maybe her best play at this point.
Progressive warmonger! #Caring RT @OrwellForks: Keep this link in your back pocket. Use it liberally
— Derek Hunter (@derekahunter) March 26, 2015
I mean, basically right now Obama’s foreign policy strategy is lying in a dirty room somewhere and trying to stuff its small intestine back into its gut. Hillary Clinton might as well go Scoop Jackson, or something. What does she have to lose?
Answer to your question : the Dem primary.
That being said if Hillary does this and faces Rand Paul, she could theoretically win.
And if Jeb is still taking advice from Jim Baker she might be able to win on that too.
Speaking of foreign policy, Moe, did you see this?
The Mrs. and I had a collective infarction. Is it true? CAN it be true?
I… just, I don’t know. I’m in Admiral Painter’s corner at this point.
Drudge has a link to the same Israeli news report.
5’ed for the Fred reference! 🙂
It’s *willful* at this point. It *has* to be.
“What difference does it make!”
I’m being serious here .. *other than* those people this will get killed (and it will get people killed) .. what’s the effect?