…This clip from Mulan is not a musical number.

But it is illustrative of why Mulan is one of my favorite Disney flicks.  Mulan can be in my adventuring party any time, no questions asked. And I rarely say that about Disney princesses:

7 thoughts on “…This clip from Mulan is not a musical number.”

  1. Mulan, along with Pocahontas, Lilo, whatever was in that frog movie, and probably others I can’t remember, were and remain forbidden in our household for their overt, racially driven, marketing based creation.

    1. Overtly racist…. Have you met Walt Disney? That’s most of his early work. I’ll give you the frog one, but the rest were solid* stories. No reason to limit ourselves to the European cannon.
      *by Disney/children’s entertainment standards.

      1. Not overtly racist; overt in that the decision to make the movies Disney did was NOT based on, as Dr. King like to say, ‘The Content of the Character’, but rather on a cold, arguably evil, racial calculus where Disney tried to pacify their critics by pumping out Black, Asian, Indian, and Island ‘princesses’ before going right back to European stories with Tangled and Brave.

        1. I don’t care why they do it if it’s good. Surely many southern whites supported Civil-rights not out of principle but for political or market gain. A black man’s vote and money are just as valuable as a white man’s.
          I think it was Hayek or Freidman that said “It must be profitable for bad men to chose the right thing.” If these unconventional heroines come out of that with a good story, no one has really lost.

  2. “Getofftheroofgetofftheroofgetofftheroof….” 😀
    Also has one of the better soundtracks in a Disney movie, in my opinion.

  3. But Mulan was not a princess (that is why her father was drafted.) She was just an upper-middle gal with a short haircut, who sees dragons and tries to get someone in the military to marry her.
    Come to think of it, she sounds just like someone I once knew in the Navy; she was barracks rat that was loony as crab grass, too.

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