Man, it’s like SNL remembered that you can make fun of a Democrat.

Or maybe they’re looking at their bottom lines. Having a Republican President in office is better for a lot of comedians’ pocketbooks and wallets. They can actually, you know, make jokes without their own side’s killjoys screaming at them “THAT’S NOT FUNNY!!!!!” Anyway, here you go: actual attempts at political humor.


Via Hot Air Headlines.

3 thoughts on “Man, it’s like SNL remembered that you can make fun of a Democrat.”

  1. ….or are betting Team Clinton loses, and they can pass this off as “attempts at humanizing” the ice queen…

  2. “Trading Places” isn’t the greatest Christmas movie of all time (“Die Hard” is, obviously) but … I keep picturing the last scene where we see Randolph and Mortimer and imagining it at the tail end of the 2016 Dem convention after Hillary loses to [O’Malley|Chaffee|Butler] in a floor fight…
    Bubba is being hauled off by the EMTs, and Hillary has a nasty meltdown about how they built the party, they own the party…

  3. Hillary = Nixon.
    Without the charm, ability, brains, looks, sheer competence….
    N.B. – God – If you still remember what was said by Otto Von Bismarck: “There is a Providence that protects idiots, drunkards, children and the United States of America.”

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