Droughtshaming continues to grow as a California social movement, or perhaps ‘mob.’

Begun, the water-based Stasi snitching in California has:

Take Los Angeles resident Jane Demian, for example. She recently got a letter from the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power’s Water Conservation Response Unit, about an unverified report of prohibited water use activity at her home in the Eagle Rock neighborhood of L.A. Demian says she was called out for water runoff onto the sidewalk, driveway and gutter, and the unauthorized “washdown of hardscapes” like the walkway to her house.


Besides not knowing whose water she’s getting in trouble for, Demian also doesn’t know who called her out. She thinks it may be another neighbor down the street, getting revenge after she previously complained about a noise violation from his house.

And as the article notes, Ms. Demian is lucky: they’ve got ‘droughtshaming’ apps and Twitter hashtags now.  Actually, she’s really lucky that it’s not yet at the point in California that social media will stop being about droughtshaming and start being about flash mobs, with the emphasis on ‘mob.’  Seriously, if you happen to live in California, you may want to start thinking about what you’re going to do if it doesn’t reliably rain for another four years or so.

4 thoughts on “Droughtshaming continues to grow as a California social movement, or perhaps ‘mob.’”

  1. The Green cult of self-loathing will surely see this as just punishment for sins against Mother Gaia. They will then launch a crusade against the unwashed* masses to purify the desert, and then live it up like kings when they’re the only ones left.**
    *Because there’s no water to wash with. And the hippies still wouldn’t if there was.
    **Because no deed done in service to the Red, er, I mean Green God can be considered a sin.

  2. What will make this more fun is that an accusation does not mean anything actually happened. Water does evaporate, and the evidence may be long gone. And even with photos, a little digital work and you can show a wet sidewalk to go with your false accusation.
    Now, the way to destroy this WaterStasi thing is to go full-Alinsky on it, file numerous false reports everywhere accusing everyone you can. Overwhelm the system so that the outrage over the WaterStasi gets so great it outweighs political and bureaucratic inertia.

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