Fallout 4 gameplay stuff; I might pick this one up after all.

Via Nodwick: OK, I have to admit it. This is kind of making me want to go get Fallout 4.

Not that I have any reason not to get Fallout 4; only, I never got into the first three and there’s a learning curve there on the game world. I had a similar problem with Skyrim: I really needed to be WOWed into buying that game.  This might bring the WOW.

Moe Lane

PS: XCOM 2 is also coming out at the end of the year!  Don’t need a WOW for that one.

7 thoughts on “Fallout 4 gameplay stuff; I might pick this one up after all.”

  1. The news about building your own base(s), including defenses against raider attacks and a LOT of customization and detail, makes my heart sing.

    1. The fun of the Fallout universe is going .. off the script.
      I usually get a character up to a “reasonable” level, working on the various quest lines, then … go a’viking. (no more main quest line stuff until I hit the level cap .. wander around the wasteland looking for opportunities for good or mischief…)

    2. Yeah, the building aspect is really nice. It’s good to see actual optimism in a post apoc game. Yay. We get to make things better.

  2. Bethesda appears to have addressed the things about Fallout 3 I wanted improved. Clearing my calendar for the months following Nov 10.

    1. And the Dishonored sequel looks just as nasty as the first. (And that’s a very good thing.)

  3. I loved Fallout 3 and this just looks amazing! Got my pre-order in for the Pip-Boy edition today. Good thing I have Thanksgiving week off. I know what I’ll be doing now for sure.

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