Via Nodwick: OK, I have to admit it. This is kind of making me want to go get Fallout 4.
Not that I have any reason not to get Fallout 4; only, I never got into the first three and there’s a learning curve there on the game world. I had a similar problem with Skyrim: I really needed to be WOWed into buying that game. This might bring the WOW.
Moe Lane
PS: XCOM 2 is also coming out at the end of the year! Don’t need a WOW for that one.
The news about building your own base(s), including defenses against raider attacks and a LOT of customization and detail, makes my heart sing.
The fun of the Fallout universe is going .. off the script.
I usually get a character up to a “reasonable” level, working on the various quest lines, then … go a’viking. (no more main quest line stuff until I hit the level cap .. wander around the wasteland looking for opportunities for good or mischief…)
Yeah, the building aspect is really nice. It’s good to see actual optimism in a post apoc game. Yay. We get to make things better.
Bethesda appears to have addressed the things about Fallout 3 I wanted improved. Clearing my calendar for the months following Nov 10.
I think I just saw the first good reason to upgrade to next-gen.
And the Dishonored sequel looks just as nasty as the first. (And that’s a very good thing.)
I loved Fallout 3 and this just looks amazing! Got my pre-order in for the Pip-Boy edition today. Good thing I have Thanksgiving week off. I know what I’ll be doing now for sure.