I believe that this is a sensible and mature reaction to the Jezebel tattoo thing.

Background here: the short version is that a Jezebel writer was told that a tattoo parlor wasn’t going to give her a neck tattoo (apparently neck tattoos are fraught), and so she then does what Jezebel writers do.  That’s right: freak out., throw a fit, and accuse everybody involved of misogyny. Anyway, Coelasquid (who writes and draws a ridiculously good webcomic about video game characters) wrote up her reaction to this issue. Short version of that: when a tattoo artist tells you that something is a bad idea – heck, when one flat-out refuses to do something – perhaps you should at least take the tattoo artist seriously.

Moe Lane

PS: I don’t have a tattoo and I don’t particularly want one – but I do have a general interest in leaving people in the counter-culture the hell alone if they’re willing to return the favor.  People who are into getting inked are not bothering me, so maybe we shouldn’t bother them.  Radical notion, I know.

6 thoughts on “I believe that this is a sensible and mature reaction to the Jezebel tattoo thing.”

  1. Hmm. Just read the Inked story. Got to the part where he wrote “Also, how dare she admonish him for refusing the tattoo on any grounds? A tattoo is a collaborative effort between the artist and the wearer, if the artist doesn’t want to take on a piece then he or she needn’t feel pressured.”

    Then I searched the Inked site for their editorial in support of bakers and photographers who don’t want to do work for some weddings and couldn’t find any. So now I’m torn between “F– You tattoo people, you had a chance to step up for this principle, failed, and now it’s biting you in the ass,” and thinking well, if we don’t stand up for them where does it start?

    1. There’s probably a middle ground there, along the lines of “And maybe you guys should think about why you shouldn’t (on general principles) force people to do jobs that they’re legitimately uncomfortable with?”

      1. I think that goes with my second option, along with a sad, rueful shake of the head.

      2. if i have the money, they need to do what i say for it. hmm. that sounds sorta like a different profession.

  2. She likely planned an article about how the tattoo parlor actively encouraged and assisted her in screwing up the rest of her life.
    And they didn’t play along.
    How dare they!

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