Monsanto announces the creation of genemod marijuana. Or, as I like to call it: MONSANTO DEVIL-WEED.


Monsanto has announced it has patented the first genetically modified strain of marijuana. Global AgInvesting reports that the news has been welcomed by scientists and leaders of the agriculture business alike as a move forward towards the industrial use of marijuana and hemp products could bring a major shift towards marijuana policies in the U.S.A. and ultimately, to the world.

That pot’s gonna be distributed EVERYWHERE, guys!  It’s gonna SUPPLANT the regular stuff! And then when everybody’s addicted to the new pot, Monsanto’s gonna jack up the PRICES!  In fact… it’s probably happened already. That last bowl you smoked? You thought that it was a little different, right?  …That’s because it was MONSANTO DEVIL-WEED, man.  You got it inside yourself already!

…OK, I’ll stop now.

Moe Lane


8 thoughts on “Monsanto announces the creation of genemod marijuana. Or, as I like to call it: MONSANTO DEVIL-WEED.”

  1. Peas in a pod, really. If I had a Venn-diagram of Pot-heads and Anti-GMOs, there would be a significant overlap labeled “Paranoia.”

      1. “Get your foil hats here! Gen-you-ine tin foil hats, guaranteed to block all mind control and cure male-pattern baldness. Tin Foil Hats here…..”

  2. Ach. It looks to be a hoax. They WisAg took the article down and it is listed as FALSE on Snopes.
    Too bad. Wonder how much it would take to get Mon to GMO it? For no other reason than for the laughs?

    1. Potheads are paranoid. They’ll still believe it.
      I have to say, I’m sorry that it’s not true. It would have been one of the most epic trolls in history.

  3. Frankenfood – I mean – Frankenpot!
    (BTW – all of you who want the war on drugs to end with marijuana legalization? You will get that – and then you will get the war on those who grow and distribute Without Getting The Proper Tax Stamps! The Revenooers will be after you for Moonshine whiskey – I mean – Moonshine pot!
    Heh. I love when the wheel of history turns around once more.)

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