King v. Burwell: 6-3 for Obamacare subsidies.

I don’t buy this answer, but then I’m not a Supreme Court justice.  More accurately, I’m not Anthony Kennedy. Sounds like Barack Obama got one right, for a change – and by that I mean not doing anything to prepare for an adverse decision.  Well, you win the gamble, you rake in your winnings.

Moe Lane

PS: As to how I’m feeling? Fine, actually. Read this poem as to why. Bearing in mind that I’m identifying with the barbarians.

22 thoughts on “King v. Burwell: 6-3 for Obamacare subsidies.”

  1. Personally, I’m considering buying stock in companies that make torches and pitchforks.

        1. I meant to further the stock investment theme, not the “stock up on.” Apologies for the confusion.

          1. Violence wouldn’t do much to reestablish Rule of Law or limits on federal power.
            We’re not formenting revolution here, for the simple reason that we know such an effort will end in tyranny.
            Sadly, there may come a time when that’s the least bad option. But that time has not yet come.

        2. Pursuant to your last warning, my snark regarding investing in metals and ag products was pre-deleted.

  2. In other news, the SC also evidently enshrined “disparate impact” as illegal discrimination.
    We’re %^$&ing hosed.

    1. This one is more concerning, since by that standard one could argue “white privilege” makes us discriminatory by sorry virtue of existing.

      1. Yep.
        The Obamacare abomination was bad enough, but it’s pretty much baked in at this point – the quisling wing of the D.C GOP would likely not have stopped at simply restoring the subsidies…
        This one’s not baked in yet .. and we don’t know what defenses are going to be acceptable.
        To quote Moe again .. elections have consequences. 2016 has the potential to be .. quite consequential.

          1. Wish in one paw, spit in the other .. as grandma cat used to say.
            So .. instead of “if only”, “how can we change”?
            For a simple one, does the recent Pacific Northwest move to “all-vote-by-mail” offer an opportunity to spam the whole State of Oregon with a sample ballot? (like Pennsylvania, once your’e out of Portland, most of Oregon is pretty conservative – in a ficon/defcon/libertarian way)

          2. And Salem…
            Of course, between those three cities and their suburbs, that’s 90℅ of Oregon’s population.

          3. The suburbs are more ficon-ish .. the trouble is the GOP candidates seem to be either statists or theocrat-wannabes.

  3. It’s getting time to head back to Europe. At least the food and wine are good and cheap.

  4. I can only see political reasons for upholding these. I don’t see the legal one. Is this court just deciding based on what they wish the law had been written?

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