I threw a Storify together on the primaries.

It seems to slightly bug Cruz supporters (mind you, I like Cruz) and the Trump ones (I don’t think that Trump’s campaign is viable in the long term, or even the medium). Such is life: the fun thing about espousing an autocratic strategy – even one that you know will never get implemented – is that you get to be, well, autocratic about it. The nice thing about my suggested strategy is that The Trash Heap Has Spoken and that’s the end of it so let’s all get on with our lives.

5 thoughts on “I threw a Storify together on the primaries.”

  1. I disagree with your assessment of Cruz, I think he *does* need his core identity explained. Elsewise he will only be known as the caricature the Left has drawn of him ( and the caricature the “smart crowd” within the GOP also holds to)
    I want to see if Cruz can add to his coalition ( if he can’t there is no point in supporting him as that would mean he can’t win).

  2. Additional proposal: The RNC should buy three hours of air time on a major TV network in which each of these eight candidates (including Cruz) would present ten minutes of pre-recorded monologue — just talking heads, no slick commercials or extraneous videos — in which to explain their positions on their own terms. Follow each segment with ten minutes of pre-recorded Q&A; respectable journalists (Jake Tapper, and does anyone else qualify?) would view the position videos before the broadcast and submit questions to each candidate, and the candidates would provide their pre-recorded answers to the questions.
    Pre-recorded because you don’t want any “Poland is free” or “three essential points, and I can only remember two of them” moments.
    And because everyone must obey Reagan’s Eleventh Commandment. Or else.

  3. Cruz needs to explain his support for large corporations over small businesses (H-1B Visas), not to mention how those actually create a form of indentured servitude and unfairly taint the talent marketplace.

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