Hey, I’m gonna be on the Splintered Caucus podcast!

Doing it now, in fact: I think that it’s gonna be here. Gonna take some time to do, though.

[UPDATE]: I lost my temper when it came to Planned Parenthood and said some words that I do not repeat in front of my children and I don’t give a damn.

3 thoughts on “Hey, I’m gonna be on the Splintered Caucus podcast!”

  1. Second typing. May be duplicate.

    I have always been in the “safe, legal, and rare” camp. But I don’t think there are many campfires there anymore.

    I still think there are times when a young woman might want to/ need to make a choice. My choice has always been for life.

    But. oh, golly, … how can anyone support abortion when they are harvesting baby bits????

    It/ this just swings me so far over from any choice.
    and I do think there has to be some circumstances… maybe

  2. Moe, a little more notice would have been nice. I am an “early to bed, early to rise” guy, unless I have a good reason to stay up.

    1. Sorry: had a weird connectivity problem yesterday at the worst possible moment. As it was, I was five minutes late for the podcast myself.

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