Scandal Report from the Imperial Court: Clinton crony aided by State Department in 2010.

Ooh. Somebody’s been bad: “A federal agency rushed to approve funding for a Clinton donor’s sham Haiti recovery project that ended up defrauding the U.S. government out of millions, according to court transcripts and internal government documents obtained by the Washington Free Beacon.” The short version is that Bill and Hillary Clinton crony Claudio Osorio exploited his relationship with both individuals (which included having State Department resources on call from Secretary Clinton) while going about the business of cheating the US government and private lenders out of 40 million dollars (30 million of which got diverted to offshore banks). The whole thing stinks on ice, particularly since the government agency that got bilked (the Overseas Private Investment Corporation*, or OPIC) approved the 2010 loan with remarkable haste and numerous cut corners.

…Which is all not such an unusual thing to happen in the cut-rate, minor-league Imperial Court that we’ve been saddled with for the last seven years.  The former Secretary of State is infamous for these kinds of tawdry deals being done under her curious insensitive nose; indeed, much of the resentment that she generates in the Imperial District** is due to the fact that Sec. Clinton prefers to have her oldest, most loyal retainers wet their beaks, and will give no favor to ambitious new courtiers.  The whole thing would make the various Hapsburg dynasties twitch in sheer professional disgust, really.  Even the Ottomans would have found our current system laughably inept. And it’s hard to blame them: if we simply must have an Imperial Presidency, is it really too much to ask that the Imperial President who runs it might at least be good at the job?

Via @LizWFB

*No, really, it’s a government agency. Ain’t doublespeak grand?

**Or, as the locals call it in their charming provincial argot: “This Town.”

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