Tweet of the Day, There But For The Grace Of God Goes The RedState Gathering edition.

The zenith of Netroots Nation has probably already occurred, yes.

What makes this more than a little ironic is that next year the theme of the conference will be Shaddap and support the nominee.  Who will either be Hillary Clinton, who didn’t even bother to attend this year; or else Bernie Sanders, who was hounded from the stage today.  Either would be fine, from my point of view.

5 thoughts on “Tweet of the Day, There But For The Grace Of God Goes The RedState Gathering edition.”

  1. Apparently no one in the Democratic Party has ever read “Frankenstein”, or at least if they read it they failed to understand it.

  2. i still think Gropin’ Joe has a shot, if the bolts in Hillary!’s neck malfunction when she’s asked to show emotion.

  3. The black lives matter folks are going by to insist on an African American in the race if not I n the ticket. Who is there besides Sharpton, Ta naheisi
    Coates and Sheila Jackson Lee?

  4. Cory booker also checks the “never married male over the age of 40” box (not that there’s anything wrong with that).

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