The sequel was, perhaps a bit much if you weren’t a fan of Warhammer 30K: but Pitch Black itself was a pretty hardcore and viciously-efficient entry in the horror/SF genre. Vin Diesel did a good job there. It’s worth revisiting… with the lights on, of course.
Sorry. Just my little joke.
And so, adieu to Kingsman: The Secret Service. …FREEBIRD! Sorry, more of the japery.
Moe Lane
40k. 30k is the whole Horus Heresy thing.
Yep, the sequel went in a very strange direction .. and wasn’t there a *pre*quel as well?
This, though .. very good, yes.
Riddick was a stripped down sequel (and more of a throwback to the first movie).
I have fond memories of this movie.
Not because they movie was mind-blowingly good, but because later in the same week I complained that a movie my wife picked out had no interesting characters, no plot, and no theme. She tried to invoke “that science fiction movie you just watched” as a counterexample that however bad her movie choices were, mine were worse.
Easiest argument win ever. Especially when she chose to lead with theme. (Redemption, obviously.)
Strangely enough, I appreciated Pitch Black the most for letting me see Claudia Black, having listened to her in so many games 🙂
Huh? You do know she was one of the main cast members in Farscape, don’t you? And later in Stargate SG-1…
Ah yes! Claudia Black and the amazing things she can do with her tongue.