Two hundred years from now, they’re going to write blood-and-thunder adventure fiction, usually set in the Middle East, about this decade. The kind of fiction that has in the Afterword something like While this book is fiction, many of the groups and people found in it are not – and, as usual, the most unbelievable ones are the ones that were most real.
I mean, Jeebus. Nascent pocket empire that buys and sells women in open market while the death cultists that run it prepare their latest victims for the sacrificial fires. It’s tailor-made for a two-fisted adventurer to go through the place at high velocity, all the while raising merry hell. Would that we had some…
Moe Lane
PS: Unfortunately, this isn’t a book. Those poor people are real.
We have to wait two hundred years for this? The handful of American Christian veterans gone over to the militias may have a story or two once someone writes them down. Unleash the Kurds and we’ll have room for sequels.
It is unreal. Yet people who want to be taken seriously are yammering on about microagressions, and campus rape culture. For too long I thought people on the left were genuinely caring but misguided people. Yet they gloss over this.
Take a close look at the ’60s environmental movement.
All the railing against pollution and “Iron Eyes” Cody and “big blue marble” .. and what did they do?
Moved all the polluting industries to the third world, where it’s barely regulated.
Same left, different issue – push the really sketchy bits onto the third world and *ignore* it..
No, these are not “genuinely caring but misguided people”, these are *idiot child-adults* ..