As it involves a headline that is scandalous in its moral turpitude. Also: I’d like to note for the record that to me it really did look like the Starship Enterprise (original Constellation [Constitution*] class) versus a Grateful Dead dancing bear – but not to any other person in North America, apparently. I guess that means that I have a pure heart.
…Say nothing. Nothing. I mean it!
A College Marching Band Apologized For Seemingly Forming Their Rivals’ Mascot Eating A Dick
— BuzzFeed (@BuzzFeed) September 6, 2015
Moe Lane
*My bad: I think I wrote ‘Constellation’ there because of the USS Constitution in the Doomsday Machine episode.
l\Looks like a Chainsaw versus Crab to me.
I thought the original Enterprise was a Constitution class ship.
(My memory may be a bit off.)
No, you’re right, but it’s complicated. The Federation had a Constellation starship class AND a USS Constellation (that was in the Doomsday Machine episode). The original Enterprise was Constitution-class; I must have written Constellation because I was thinking of that episode. Will fix.
Okay, nothing else that can happen today – okay, nothing short of a 350-point NASDAQ pop – will bring such glee…