No, in point of fact, Mass Effect 3 did NOT make you do too many pull-ups.

Having actually done all 183 pull-ups in-game, I was nothing but satisfied at the resolution of that particular activity. Because my FemShep broke Vega’s record, you understand. And Vega watched me do it, so there was no mistake.

Understand: Vega and I were tight. He was a good dude. But he had a little difficulty sometimes taking FemShep seriously. So it was necessary to demonstrate who was who, and what was what. Which I did.

Moe Lane

PS: Yeah: this was, and will likely always be, my favorite series.

7 thoughts on “No, in point of fact, Mass Effect 3 did NOT make you do too many pull-ups.”

  1. As soon as I read that I though ”Moe’s not gonna like that, they’re pickin’ on his favorite game”

  2. I can’t imagine wanting to do that.
    Or even playing ME3 a second time. One encounter with deux ex machina completely unrelated to anything that had come before was enough, thanks.

    1. MEHEM mod. No more Holoboy. Two plausible endings: One, an actual happy ending with dead Reapers. Two, you fail. Based on War Assets.

      And it adds nothing in terms of gear and makes no changes to balance, so Bioware even lets it stand as a pseudo-official mod that doesn’t lock you out of multi-player if you still do that.

      1. I still hold that the game was supposed to end with Shepard and Anderson on the citadel, bleeding out, and watching the world burn.
        Thematically, it worked perfectly.
        Especially since we’d spent nearly the entire game building Reapertech, which we know is deliberately used to steer the course of civilizations.
        I thought that was what was happening, until my character started floating, and having a weird hallucination.
        I figure the suits had a cow when they learned the team was going to kill off such a valuable piece of IP.
        Hence the insulting kludge we got.
        Because we’d established in the first two games and most of this one, that the writing team did in fact, understand how to tell a story.
        And the ending we got broke about every guideline for good storytelling that there is.

        1. Well, the problem was the change in senior writer. As Drew K. went to write the Star Wars MORPG (meh). And his replacement thought that ME was about ‘synthetics’ as a whole against organics. Not just the Reapers, as such.

          But Holoboy was about the dumbest idea to end a game I’ve ever seen. It was even worse than the Deus Ex Machina end of Star Blazers: The Comet Empire. At least the Yamato/Argo’s crew had ‘earned’ their bailout.

          1. I dunno, folks: to me it was classic space opera. It always ends with you in a white room on your last hitpoint and trying to explain to the Weakly Godlike critter why it should give a f*ck about what happens to your species. Then again, I considered the real ending of the game to be me showing up with the Fleets.

  3. Curiously, neither Minecraft nor Space Engineers requires me to partake in something I find mind-numbingly boring, exercise. They both have their own mind-numbingly boring activities…

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