How common *is* a lack of punctuality in politicians, these days?

I mean, I know that Barack Obama is notoriously bad at showing up on time. And now apparently so is Hillary Clinton.  But are Republican politicians any better, on the average – or am I just more likely to notice a politician being late when he or she is on the Other Side? It’s a serious question. I mean, I am a partisan hack.

Still, people should be on time.

3 thoughts on “How common *is* a lack of punctuality in politicians, these days?”

  1. Being late is essentially an insult. Essentially one is saying “my time is more important than yours.” Even when one is addressing the nation.

    1. Maybe not for all cultures, but I’d bet there’s a protocol involved in who is late for what.

      1. As far as how things work in government, diplomatic, or business protocol (and how most of these folks think), making somebody wait is essentially a calculated statement of power (and can be a headgame in itself). I remember at least in the early days of GWB a few remarks from the press noting the difference in ‘the waiting game’. Essentially unlike the chronically late Clinton, Bush made a point to be a bit more prompt and start events on time.

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