The Daily Beast: Barack Obama, debate Wayne LaPierre!

I can’t tell if this is satire or not: “Barack Obama should challenge Wayne LaPierre, longtime leader of the National Rifle Association, to a one-hour primetime televised debate.” I mean, it sounds like your typical left-leaning argument, but come on. Barack Obama knows nothing about firearms, knows nothing about persuading people who don’t need to be persuaded*, and has the eternally-useful habit of thinking that he’s about twenty IQ points smarter than he actually is.  Wayne LaPierre, on the other hand, has been debating people under hostile conditions for quite a while; and I’m pretty sure that nobody in the NRA’s leadership sees any downside in smacking around Barack Obama in a debate. Quite the contrary, really.

So, yeah, sure: let’s have that debate.  Not that it will happen, of course. The President’s advisers would rather eat broken glass than let Barack Obama walk into that particular buzzsaw…

Moe Lane

*You may recall that Mitt Romney cleaned Barack Obama’s clock so thoroughly in the first debate that a moderator in the next one had to step in and blatantly intervene on Barack Obama’s behalf. Five bucks says that the NRA would be a lot less trusting of the moderator in any sort of hypothetical debate.

2 thoughts on “The Daily Beast: Barack Obama, debate Wayne LaPierre!”

  1. I would PAY to see that. It would be Epic.
    At least I think that I would (I’m pretty cheap).

  2. LaPierre is white, so if he won the debate he’d be a racist.

    And if he lost, he’d still be a racist.

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