The guy who found this doesn’t think that Bernie Sanders is a Communist, for what it’s worth. He’s just properly appalled that Bernie Sanders supporters feel the need to appropriate Soviet-era propaganda. Which is… reasonable, da?
This is either a false flag or amazingly tone deaf.
— Anders (@mrgasmaskman) October 8, 2015
The website that it came from looks legit, so I’m gonna go with ‘amazingly tone deaf.’ Remember: there are people who actually miss the Soviet Union. And I don’t mean the folks who used to be KGB agents or Party bigwigs, either.
Elwood: “Vermont Commies.”
Jake: “I hate Vermont Commies.”
Remember: the Bern thought that the Brezhnev-era Soviet Union was a spiffing place for a honeymoon…
“Don’t I Dare”? Why not? Commie, Commie, Commie, Commie, Bernie Sanders is a Lying Pinko S**t, Commie, Commie… What are the Marxtard butt-nuggets gonna DO about it?
:p 😀 lol
Hey, it worked for Obama. Personality cults are what Progressive Communists DO. They have no religion, and so must create their own. That their gods are so inferior speaks a warning to the rest of us as to their overall judgement.