One thought on “My RedState piece on Democrats and Obama is up.”

  1. The Democrats so wanted to destroy W. They wanted that more than anything in the world.
    They started with how John Ashcroft was going to go Elmer Gantry on everyone’s bedroom. And then how W wanted to put arsenic in everyone’s drinking water. And then how China got their hands on an Aries aircraft on Hainan Island.
    And then 9/11. And the Democrats had to fake how much they loved America. It darn near killed them. Katrina came along and they could finally tear off the mask and scream, scream, scream, scream how much they hated Republicans. And with Obama, how much the Democrats hate a certain portion of America.

    So here we go into another presidential election season. Will the ghost of GWB haunt everyone like it did in 2008 and 2012? Will the parties provide candidates that can articulate a vision?

    I got no hopes for one party.

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