Cyber Monday is tomorrow! (Seriously, this post has actual info in it).

I mean, sure, buy stuff on Amazon and use this link:  But this is still of note.:

The first two days of the holiday sales period have netted $4.45 billion in U.S. online purchases, with mobile devices — led by smartphones — accounting for a record $1.5 billion of that amount, with $2.72 billion spent on BlackFriday and $1.73 billion on Thanksgiving. The figures come from Adobe, which has been tracking some 4,500 sites, including 80% of the top 100 retailers.

This is an improvement from last year; at least, Thanksgiving sales were and it’s estimated that Black Friday and Cyber Monday will follow suit. People do love buying their presents online these days. And go for it! …’Course, I’m biased that way.

4 thoughts on “Cyber Monday is tomorrow! (Seriously, this post has actual info in it).”

  1. I am a Bad Man. I made three purchases at Amazon only to belatedly remember to first click-thru from your site.
    I resolve to be more vigilant on this matter in the future as I truly enjoy your writing and want to support as I can.

    1. Techie question for Moe –
      I have been in the habit of putting stuff in my Amazon cart as I identify things to buy, then clicking through from your link before actually purchasing the cart.
      Do you get credit for all items in the cart?
      If you could answer this before (checks shipping calendar) Dec. 16, that’d be good.

  2. Heh. Since most of the family have moved out of Illinois, I see no particular reason to go to the mall, stand in line, buy stuff, then go to the post office and stand in line *again* when I can just .. click.
    Same made-in-China stuff, lower cost, and I don’t have to stand in *any* lines. What’s not to like?

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