The short version is, Patreon recalculated the way that it calculates public pledge totals so that they reflect what creators actually receive. Let me note for the record right now that I was fine with the idea of Patreon getting a cut, and the size of that cut; they gotta eat too, right? Besides, I don’t really know how to do what they do, and they don’t know how to do what I do, so we had a good arrangement here.
Still… under the recalculation I have still been knocked below the $60/month pledge total that unlocked new 1,000 word short stories every month. I don’t know, exactly, what the ethical position is, here. People signed up for that level in good faith, and obviously I didn’t change things, and I’m wondering whether sixty bucks is a reasonable price to charge for what’s essentially creative writing practice work, and this would all be easily resolved if I just got a couple more $5/month pledges tossed in the kitty that made the whole thing moot.
So feel free (click here), if you haven’t already. Seriously: if you haven’t already. Existing Patrons shouldn’t worry about it; again, as I said, good faith.
sadly, i can afford and extra buck a month to help the best snark this side of a paywall. THE TOUGH GET GOING!!! WHO’S WITH ME???