5 thoughts on “My RedState post on the replacement of Hamilton on the $10 bill is up.”

  1. Since you went there, vending machines that give back $1 coins instead of quarters are nice when you want a Coke and all you have is a $5 bill…or a $20.

  2. Go for Miss Liberty.
    Personally, I don’t think any real person should be on currency. We seemed to do OK like that up until 1909 or so.

  3. The local subway-ish thing gives and takes dollar coins. Getting rid of them is just annoying. Treasury should drop the dollar bill, use exclusively dollar coins, and print 500 and 1000 dollar bills.

    1. No.
      If they try, the pitchforks and torches come out.
      They’ve been following the trial balloon of dropping the penny for forty years and moving to dollar coins for just add long.
      And every time, they’re shocked by how adamantly the public rebuffs them.
      Alternate plan: stop inflating the &$$%&ng currency.

  4. “If for no other reason than because that way they can be useful object lessons for the next generation of government officials who wish to mess with things that they do not quite understand…”
    When has an unelected bureaucrat ever learn their lesson?

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