2 thoughts on “My RedState post on Nikki Haley doing the SotU response.”

  1. I think the best response is not to respond to the laundry list of presidential wish-casting and really don’t respond to the president at all. Barely acknowledge that he said anything* and instead give a speech about the glorious future that The new Republican administration of 2017 is going to give us.
    *Because he won’t actually say anything and disagreeing with all of his assessments treats him for more seriously than he takes his day job.** Let someone else, like one of his media lickspittles, bring up the long list of his foreign and domestic failures.
    **Whatever he thinks that actually is.

  2. [initial post pre-deleted per Moe Lane’s zen flowchart]
    Yeah, Obama’s gonna bloviate .. anyone ever notice that when the federal housing occupant at 1600 Pennsylvania is a Dem, they kick out a lot of hot air and some stunt-casting in the crowd and .. nothing *real* happens?

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