Well, that was fun.

And by ‘fun’ I mean ‘a day-long exercise in lying in bed with the covers over my head.’ I have woken up enough to actually, wow, eat some solid food for the first time in two days; with any luck I’ll even successfully digest it.  At least, here’s hoping.

Things should be back to normal tomorrow. Although I’d almost prefer that they’re not, because of the SotU.  Then again, I’ve been waiting for Obama’s last SotU for a very, very long time…

3 thoughts on “Well, that was fun.”

  1. Oh, that’s tonight? I had been StephenGreen-ing pas ones. This year I have chosen the more sane route of an evening of friends and games, blistfuly ignorant of what’s his name’s final laundry list of failure.

  2. It would be interesting to compare clips of candidate Obama to the final SOTU to see how Prez hope and change has changed.

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