16 thoughts on “Disaster prep.”

  1. I feel like I’ve missed something here. To which particular disaster do you refer? There are several to chose from.

    1. Moe may be referring to Yahoo.
      Yahoo is in serious financial straits and the layoffs begun they have.
      It’s already impacting services as they slash digital divisions and their Android mail service has been hit with down time recently.

      1. Interesting. How Yahoo stayed in business beyond the early 2000’s has been a mystery to me. Google ate their lunch with search, web portals stopped being a thing, and… well, what else did they have?

      2. No, I’m preparing for the possibility that I’ll have to stop blogging about politics. I made the mistake of doing this under my own name, you see, and letting people know my regular email. If Trump gets the nomination, thus leading me to quit, I expect to get any number of triumphalist Trump supporters trying to attack. So, basically, I’m going to need a general email account where I don’t have to wade through white nationalism screeds all day.

        Since you asked.

        1. Oh. Well than. Please don’t retire to a digital monastery. Trump would still deserve plenty of snark, and I for one consider you among a handful of people “Actually Worth Reading” online, even after certain….others have sold out, jumped the shark, or both.
          Fair point about the email though, and a shame that more folks won’t take your advice about gracious victory.

          1. Huh. I’d always kind of assumed Moe Lane was a nom-de-guerre.
            Alas, you’re likely late enough to Google Mail that you’ll end up with something .. oddball.
            On the upside, you could route your live mail into gmail, and provide lots of training for their spam filters.
            On the .. up-to-you side .. I’ll probably stick around as well.

            1. No, it’s my name (nickname, obviously). When I started it wasn’t in politics, so there was no need for a false name, and when I went into doing political stuff I thought that I didn’t need to compartmentalize. …God, was that a mistake. Oh, well, this is how you learn.

        2. One hopes it doesn’t come to that, while one must also acknowledge that the nominating process of you preferred party has resulted in a sub-optimal slate of candidates from what one must admit was an impressive pool of available talent…
          Seriously, wtf happened, here? With the bench available last year, the choices going into super Tuesday are piss-poor, imho. I have never in my life not voted in the GOP primary, or for the eventual nominee.

  2. I traded online religious discussions for political ones about 8 years ago. It was probably time to switch back soon anyway.

  3. โ€œThere will come a time when you believe everything is finished; that will be the beginning. โ€
    โ€• Louis L’Amour

    1. http://www.goodreads.com/author/quotes/858.Louis_L_Amour

      what the heck, here is a link to a whole bunch of LL quotes.

      The Library Dragons meet during club period this Friday (our middle school mascot is the green dragon) and I am one of the club “sponsors” — and will be doing 10 minutes introducing/telling them all about Louis L’Amour and his books. So I’ve been doing research!

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