Is the utter absurdity of the computer programming language here a reason to not watch Supergirl, or a reason to watch the show? I cannot quite decide. No, really: even I could tell.
“Oscillating variable matrix.”
“Inversion pathway.” …OK, that one exists, but mostly apparently in terms of organic chemistry. At any rate, the jargon-babble here is something awesome to behold.
Seeing that it involves copious amounts of handwavium, I’m not the one to tell you…
You’ve seen this, right? You need to understand that if people writing screenplays knew how computers worked, they’d have a job doing that.
Well, Barry Allen will be having a crossover with Supergirl in about a month or so. That alone should get at least one episode watched.
I had a chick start babbling about a “plasma field” once. I was trying to get laid, so I didn’t laugh. But it was a close call.
Dunno. Virtually all computer programming in TV & movies is absurd anyway (at least in this programmer’s opinion). But a guy sitting in a cubicle looking things up on StackOverflow doesn’t make great TV…
But will they remember to reverse the polarity of the neuron flow?
I just try to keep in mind that typically the writing on topics I don’t understand is probably of about the same quality as the writing on topics I do, actually, grok.
Between being a software engineer and a gun owner, it’s a little unsettling.
Ah, but at least with guns you can cheerfully watch as the Other Side sabotages their basic message without them even realizing that it’s happening. 🙂
It tends to seem like it’s all of a piece.
Given the number of (allegedly) intellectually serious people that treat firearms as magic death rays acting as agents of their own malevolent wills, it probably shouldn’t come as a shock that so many people who use computers every day still consider them magic boxes.
(On the upside, I guess I’m sort of a wiz(z)ard. If science could get me that awesome laser sword I’ve wanted since I was four, that would be pretty great.)
I actually enjoy this show. but more often its just for watching Kara interact with Cat Grant. that’s really the only interesting part of the show for me.
Though it would be nice if in one of Cat’s life anecdotes, the rich white guy ends up being the one who she should have believed.