13 thoughts on “TWEET. OF. THE. DAY.”

  1. He does these outrageous things, and when they are pointed out, his supporters dismiss it as the other candidates trying to “destroy” his candidacy. Well, yeah.

  2. And mere days after she said she’d support Trump if he became the nominee, too.

      1. It is. The left is latching on to that to feed there belief of how racist the GOP base is.

        1. Which it is not, but Donald Trump made an amateur mistake that usually Republican politicians learn to avoid before they get past the county level.

          1. *removes copy of zen flowchart from wall*
            *crumples zen flowchart into ball*
            *burns zen flowchart*
            Yep. This is why some of us really like when the party will let us nominate a competent governor, even if they have somewhat unusual taste in furniture.

          2. Ok. Which governor? I need a distraction. Sometimes I wonder if Jindal or Walekr might have done better if Jeb Bush hadn’t gotten in and soaked up all that $$$$. Of course I am not a pro at this.

          3. Walker, Perry, or Jindal, I would have been rabidly supporting any of ’em.
            Jeb! and his war chest, and Trump and his ego gave the media a nice excuse not to cover ’em, and .. they never figured out how to talk *around* the media.
            Of the three, Walker’s the one I regarded as the best chance, but it seems like he got the worst possible advice.

          4. The only positive thing that I’ve seen come out of this Trump dumpster fire is the proposal that no one should be eligible to get the GOP nomination for President until they have held some office as a Republican for at least four years.

          5. What? And deny ourselves the electoral juggernaut that is Buddy Roemer?

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