I need to collect some good RPG site links.

I got a dude asking me about them, and – horribly! – I realized that I don’t have that many good RPG site resources besides some company websites. Which aren’t bad, but I need a few more. I know about Ken and Robin Talk About Stuff, of course (I have difficulty with the podcast format, but that’s a personal failing); and the aforementioned dude mentioned Saving Throw, which I know I’ve heard of before. Anybody else got suggestions, since I’m collating anyway?

[UPDATE: folks on Twitter recommended EN World RPG and Geek & Sundry.] [And SciFi Tech Talk.]

13 thoughts on “I need to collect some good RPG site links.”

    1. Congrats! So you just picked up the Pathfinder humble bundle. Old tyme gamer looking to get back into things? You always wanted to play a halfling bard with a drum set bigger than he is?

  1. What exactly is he looking for? Reviews? Ideas? Discussions of underlying philosophy? Evocative art? Odd locations?
    I’ve got quite a few sites bookmarked, most tangentially related. You likely don’t want that deluge.
    But I’ll take a moment to sing the praises of S. John Ross’s Blue Room http://www222.pair.com/sjohn/blueroom/blueroom.htm

  2. What about drivethrurpg.com? They specialize in downloadable RPG stuff. I bought a nice map generator from them a couple of years ago.

    1. Speaking as someone who’s been posting there for over a decade, I’d stay the hell away from rpg.net these days. Far, far too many folks who will hit the “outrage” button over, well, everything and several of them speak in red. Plus the non-D&D RPG section also gave me the “Non-Diceless RPGs aren’t really role playing!” vibe from the old Usenet days.

  3. Well, over in videoland, Geek & Sundry has been hosting a number of videos about Game Mastering from Matt Mercer, who DMs the Critical Role show on the network. G&S themselves, between Tabletop and Crit Role, are probably responsible to a good chunk of the growth in gaming in recent years.
    Rpggeek, the spinoff site of Boardgamegeek is fairly decent as well.

  4. I emphatically recommend The Alexandrian. His stuff is absolutely incredible. I turned my DM on to it recently, and he’s been diving the archives; his wife may yet forgive me…

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