In the Mail: Tom Clancy’s The Division.

Yeah, I broke down and got it as part of some impromptu retail therapy. Little annoying that it came today, because I special-ordered it to come yesterday; which meant that I didn’t have an excuse to skip the debate, as need be. It all turned out OK, though, so never mind. I’ll just install it tonight, instead.

I’ll let you folks know how it plays.

5 thoughts on “In the Mail: Tom Clancy’s The Division.”

  1. I am… rather enjoying it. I’m rather enjoying it more than Fallout 4, both because I have a love-hate relationship with FPS and because I’m not wild about the Atomic Age retro aesthetic.
    Also, the feel of the game is more to my liking. The world of Fallout 4 feels very empty to me, like you’re wandering through a ruined wasteland punctuated by occasional people and atomic monsters. The world of The Division, on the other hand, is a major American city that’s been significantly but not completely depopulated. You’re months, not centuries, distant from civilization, and the villain groups are all humans, such that you can’t necessarily tell at a glance whether that person down the street you can just make out through the fog is a civvie or a bad guy. The Division’s New York is affectingly eerie to me in ways that Fallout 4’s Massachusetts is not.

    1. Also, I kind of like to imagine that the Cleaners are what would become of Donald Trump’s supporters.

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