I dunno, folks. The graphic below represents what one might call a dichotomy. Not an overly dramatic one; but a dichotomy nonetheless.
The critics hated it and the fan base said… Meh, it’s all right. Is that enough to get me out of the house as part of an early birthday present? Hard to say, really. Hard to say.
Has anyone you know and trust seen it? I’d go with that metric.
I don’t know.
Superman – just grab Batman and take him to 70,000 feet and let that do the job.
Batman – why do you not buy kryptonite and make about fifteen bullets and go all Glock on the Man of Steel? Just asking for a friend.
You know, maybe comic books ought not be part of the adult world and just be fun ways little kids can imagine themselves as being if they had that power and that nobility?
Nah. Let’s ruin everything little kids like because.
For an adult who really got kids – especially little boys?
N.C. Wyeth.
That is so cool, and so much what boys want to do and be, just direct that into a sluice that adds selflessness and the nobility of assisting others, and then you have…
the Boy Scouts.
Hmm. That’s a problem.
Alright – no problem – Weird Al!
If you saw the last Superman movie and loved it, it might be worth going to B vs S.
Just got back from the 6 PM show. No spoilers, but I liked it as a movie. As a representation of Bruce and Clark, less so. If it had been “Space Guy vs. Vigilante” I’d likely have enjoyed it a lot more.
IMHO, Clark’s waaay off in characterization. Bruce only slightly off (and Affleck did a good enough job so that even with my “Bruce doesn’t do that” feelings, I’d go see a solo film with him) , mystery third person actually seemed pretty close to the last 30 years of comics, and the guy I keep getting confused with Michael Cera wasn’t helped by me watching “Young Justice” last week. So, put me in the 77%, I guess.
I saw it on Monday, and I really liked it. Better than Man of Steel, and I liked Man of Steel. I loved Affleck’s Batman, and Wonder Woman was incredible.