So, just checking something about Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

I’m on Episode 10 or so of the first season, and I’ve noticed that when I look things up about the characters I get a lot of pages with spoiler warnings. I should not ignore those, right? I mean, I vaguely heard that some stuff went down, so I should assume that it was some pretty heavy stuff, right?

11 thoughts on “So, just checking something about Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.”

  1. Yes. Avoid spoilers at all costs. At least until you decide you don’t care what happens anymore. Because EVERYTHING changes radically at some point, in season 2 I think …

    1. Avoid the spoilers, or don’t .. kind of personal choice, that.
      Because the movies and the show are inter-related, odds are *some* “spoilers” you already know, and *some* spoilers .. not so much.
      I avoid ’em, but then I’m just in it to be amused.

    2. Avoid spoilers at all costs. Especially as regards Coulson, Skye, and Ward. (I guess telling you which characters to especially avoid spoilers for, itself constitutes a meta-spoiler. But just trust me on this one.)

  2. Pretty much everything that could have gone down, did, concurrent with applicable movie release timelines.
    Nothing in the first season is as it seems. They come to embrace the comic-universe-style plot-twist with gusto.
    So yeah. *Spoilers*

      1. Despite its notorious reputation for inaccurate information, Wikipedia still be your first destination for just basic information.

  3. Perhaps, Moe, you could ask us what you want to know about the characters and we could give you answers consistent with how far along you are?

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