My RedState post on OSU using a Word of Command on protesters.

Found here. Short version: OSU dropped the E-bomb on a bunch of college protesters. There’s a video: and you can almost see the tone shift in the room when the protesters realized that, yeah, they were running a risk of arrest and expulsion. You can’t really go to that well too often, but when it works, it works

4 thoughts on “My RedState post on OSU using a Word of Command on protesters.”

  1. Today’s special snowflakes, just like their predecessors (I can’t bring myself to write “intellectual predecessors”) are cowards, and are terrified of being thrown into the Real World.
    I’m .. pleasantly surprised .. to find this group of snowflakes are even more fragile .. they run no risk of being drafted and shipped to Vietnam ..

  2. Dammit. My time among their Indiana fanbase prevents me from actually *respecting* OSU. However, I now loathe them slightly less.

  3. I’m sure the thought that they might actually be held accountable for their actions was shocking in its novelty.

  4. I don’t see why this can’t work every time, as long as they follow through when needed.

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