If it hadn’t been the last straw three months ago, this would have been the last straw. I don’t vote for conspiracy theorists. I don’t vote for Birthers, I don’t vote for 9/11 Troofers, I don’t vote for MIHOP/LIHOP enthusiasts, and I absolutely will not vote for a JFK conspiracy nut. OR the political party that nominates one.
Seriously, I helped fight all of those people to a standstill between 2002-2008. I will be damned if I end up going to work for one. I have far too much self-respect for that.
.@realDonald Trump accuses Cruz’s father of helping JFK’s assassin pic.twitter.com/qJjz8QyuIf
— POLITICO (@politico) May 3, 2016
Moe Lane
*sips coffee*
…You think this is funny?
I think it’s got humor elements .. and also horror elements – watching the electorate going insane, how could it *not* be horrific?
That said .. the avalanche has already started .. what do you suggest that us pebbles *do*?
Classical ref: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g1GF4Gnb-D0
“What would you tell him?”
“To shrug.”
I understand and respect your intention to do so. Galt’s Gulch, though, is not for me.
There’ll be work to be done, no matter which way this election bounces the rubble.
Well, if Trump gets the nomination then it’ll be done by somebody else and the work won’t be based out of here.
Like I said, I understand and respect your intentions.
I do not count you as my enemy just because I do not share them.
“You think this is funny?”
No. Your disgust of Trump is like my disgust of the GOP leadership. Last year I walked away from the party and have vowed to no longer vote ‘R’. My comment was more of a “let’s see what happens with Moe”.
And, no, I won’t be voting for Trump. Like acat mentioned, this election, to me, just bounces the rubble.
…Sorry. After I looked at my response I decided that clearly I needed to go eat lunch.
Looking at the polls and the responses to idiotic Trump soundbites like this one has convinced me of one simple thing: there is no Silent Majority of conservatism. If there were, this joke would have never gotten even 40% of the vote.
Trump is making a sale so he is saying things he thinks the suckers wants to hear. Given he’s ‘two Trumps’ as Ben Carson would put it and the guy has held positions only a few years ago that are at loggerheads to the ones he now states publicly and it’s a bit obvious he thinks the majority of Republican primary voters are angry mob of ignorant morons. To folks that actually pay attention to news and politics (and go beyond network media puts in the trough), he’s right, but most folks don’t pay attention to anything beyond what affects them directly…their work, spouses, and their kids.
I can’t blame them for prioritizing. They’re picking out a familiar face that looks like he might actually fight (and Cruz’s record gets buried in the avalanche of Trump’s coverage\rating bonanza).
Agreed. I can’t believe so many have falle for this. I thought my side was the smart one, but not true.
Your side IS the smart one.
It’s just smaller than you thought, because not everyone wearing your colors is actually on your team.
I suggest that “your side” is made up of people, and people are accurately described by – unless I’m gravely in error – your holy book as sheep.
Sheep are *remarkably* stupid and willful.
Please take this in the way it’s meant – without heat.
That some significant percentage who agree with you on some points are listening to candidate goat-rodeo dumpster-fire is not surprising.
What’s surprising is .. that this is surprising.
The vast majority of the electorate on both sides only barely pays attention to federal (let alone state level) politics every four years. They generally have other problems and priorities on their plate. While this lack of attention to civic duty has surrendered the public square to some fairly malignant would-be new aristocrats, in a historical context life has never been better.
I just find people that think of other folks as ‘sheeple’ because they don’t keep abreast of this stuff is a blindness all its own.
Just to be clear here, Grue .. are you saying you think I’ve got blinders on?
If so, please demonstrate.
(hrm…no reply option available under your post acat)
I think it’s clear from context that I think that it’s a bit blind to wrap yourself in the smug dismissal of people as ‘sheeple’ who don’t prioritize Politics to a level of attention we do. Ultimately I can’t fault them for it.
If anything, I think a solid segment of the Trump support dates back to Ross Perot at least and this is more of ‘Pox on all your houses’ type of thing on our chattering classes (politicians, academics, & media). Personally, I think they are chumps for Trump if they think this will actually shake things up, but to look at those supporters as ignorant sheep is blinding yourself to the rebellious undercurrent.
Okay, how do I break up my lines in a post? I’ve tried ”
Like this.
Duh. Thanks Luke.
Comments are threaded here, but only (doesn’t count) what, 5 levels deep?
As for sheep, consider that I wasn’t just talking about politics. People are, in general, far more likely to make the easy choice, far more likely to rationalize their emotionally favored choice than to think rationally… The classic religious metaphor isn’t about what the Jews thought of Rome, it’s about the very nature of people.
I agree, those who decry a subset as sheep are behaving foolishly … because they’re also sheep, eh?
‘s one reason I’m glad I’m a cat.
If the worst comes to pass, and the site goes apolitical. Ever think about doing a RPG campaign on the site for those of us that want to escape the election?
Indeed. This reality is defective. Can I return it for another one?
I thought Tolkien was too pessimistic with his “fighting the Long Defeat” outlook, but bless me if I can disagree right now…
As Meat Loaf and Jim Steinman put it: “Life is a lemon and I want my money back”.
Successful civilizations become decadent.
Decadent civilizations fall.
Entropy wins.
For a time.
Doesn’t mean I desire to see it happen, mind you.
But the last two Presidential elections kind of drove the point home that my fellow citizens are no longer serious, or even acquainted with reality.
A reasonable .. well, what I consider reasonable, so possibly above average .. familiarity with history ought to disabuse you of the notion that it was ever otherwise, save for a rare few brief moments.
I was going to just post a link to Robert E. Howard’s “Song of the Naked Lands”.
Sadly, it wasn’t officially published until the mid 70’s. It won’t be in the public domain any time soon.
I am giving serious consideration to trying to run a Google Hangouts video gaming session, at that. And the only reason that I haven’t yet is, indeed, because of the lack of free time.
Awesome. I’d participate.
This is a joke. A not-very-funny-anymore joke.
The only thing that has stopped me from laughing is the fact that so many people are nodding along with everything this clown says.
Then the joke’s on them.
If their guy wins the nomination, then President Hillary will make sure the joke is on all of us. And that’ I will not find funny even conceptually.
I think Trump actually has a pretty good shot at beating Hillary.
Yeah, he’s a crook, but she’s at least as crooked. He’s a liar and a braggart, but she can claim neither honesty nor humility. Any attack on his obvious weaknesses also weakens her.
Then there are the standard attacks that his character makes laughable. Trump is going to usher in a Christan theocracy? Really? He’s going to turn back the sexual revolution, outlaw birth control and abortion, and keep women barefoot and pregnant? Not really his idiom, is it? He’s going to sell out the working man? What, faster than Hillary?
Then there is the fact that the Left is losing it’s mind. Think the riots were bad last summer? Just wait. It’ll get worse. In fact, it’s already started. The vast majority of the populace would like to see these barbarians clubbed like baby seals. Being their ally does not help Clinton.
Trump has never left Americans to die at foreign hands, revealed our country’s secrets to our enemies, caused chaos across the Middle East and North Africa, or sundry other of Hillary’s “achievements”.
Trump’s biggest asset is how he can get a charge to stick, even with a complete absence of evidence. Hillary’s a bit of a target rich environment for that.
But the biggest thing is that even though he’s a buffoon, Trump is likable. He has charisma. Hillary has whatever the opposite of that is. Not even her allies like her.
Either way, it marks the end of the Republic, mind you…
I guess I should also add that despite his many (many, many) faults, it’s clear that Trump does actually love his country.
And equally clear that Hillary does not.
*cues up R.E.M. on iTunes*
It’s the end of the world as we know it …
We will be offered the choice between a [feces] sandwich and a [feces] sandwich garnished with botulinus toxin and plutonium powder. One will make us very ill and possibly cause our demise, the other will make us very ill and then definitely lead to our deaths. O joy …
And it won’t do any good to not order from the menu, because the people who do order from it will force us to eat what they’re having.
I think it’s time to heed the sage advice of John Blutarsky to Kent Dorfman:
“My advice to you is to start drinking heavily.”
I’ve been working on my resistance to iocaine powder ..