My thoughts on a Missile Command or Centiped movie: …STOP IT.


Some classic Atari video games are heading to the big screen as Deadline today brings word that both Missile Command and Centipede movies are in development thanks to a new partnership with Emmett / Furla / Oasis Films.

Missile Command I could maybe justi… no. No, there’s no justification for either movie. This is stupid.  Somebody should be fired and made to go work in another field over this.  And the same should happen to whoever hired that person in the first place. Time for a little shared responsibility around here.


Yeah, I know: that seems like a bit much. I dunno: maybe I’m just appalled by this?  I mean, how many arcade video game movies have to implode before we stop making them?

7 thoughts on “My thoughts on a Missile Command or Centiped movie: …STOP IT.”

  1. We apologise again for the fault in the greenlighting process. Those responsible for sacking the people who have just been sacked have been sacked.

  2. I don’t think it’s a total write-off …. Joust was a lot of fun, although I’m not sure it’s an Atari property.
    Krull – yes, it was already a movie – was also a fun pizza place game, perhaps it’d be possible to redo a fun movie…

  3. It was always my impression that the studios are so bereft of ideas that they just hoover up every IP option they see. Most of these will rightfully languish in Development Hell(Sixth Circle?), thank God.
    Pixels at least started from a really cool short, and then got Sandler-ed. How on earth Battleships made it out is beyond me.

    1. I suspect it was green-lit because Pacific Rim.
      “Quick, make something else that’ll have some water-based combat sequences, something that pits the Navy against aliens…”

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