Yoda. Frank Oz. Episode VIII.

I assume that I have your attention now. But that’s not the big question: after all, it’s easy to justify having Yoda in there.  Yoda’s a Force Ghost that’s going to be doing some mentoring, presumably.  That’s easily justifiable, and as the link below notes it’s not like they can get Alec Guinness at this point. No, this is the big question:

I can’t imagine how to politically approach the Anakin Force Ghost angle either (although you have to go with Sebastian Shaw, right? That’s the only version of his father Luke saw with his own eyes and it’s not like Obi-Wan and Yoda magically force ghosted into their 20 year old selves and I’ve got a nerd nosebleed now…)

There’s no reason why director Rian Johnson would stick a finger in George Lucas’s eye like that, though… HAHAHA! Who am I kidding?  There’s every reason why he could do precisely that. I just don’t know if Johnson actually wants to. Seriously, he might just simply be a better person than the rest of us. We may be a little, ah, irrational these days on the subject of Lucas.  Certainly I am.

5 thoughts on “Yoda. Frank Oz. Episode VIII.”

  1. I can’t see any reason we cant have Luke communing with Ghost Yoda and Ghost Obi-won with CGI in ep8.

    1. It’s almost got to be CGI regardless .. who was Luke emoting at in the cave sequence, after all?
      So .. if it’s CGI, then .. it’s gotten much better since Max Headroom…

      1. Turns out Han was really a Jedi all along, and now that he’s *spoilered*, Luke can talk with him all day long too….
        He also shot first, still.

  2. My concern with this is it’s gonna be some cringey fan-service type thing bolted onto the plot whether it belongs there or not.

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