Dead mouse batteries and a tough sign-in.

Clearly, this is a sign that I am to stop mucking about with this Chromebook and get back to drinking wine with my family. Sorry, folks. Nothing personal.

5 thoughts on “Dead mouse batteries and a tough sign-in.”

  1. WHAT? Clearly this is a sign that I am entirely too dependent on Moe Lane content … :/ …..
    You’re putting something up later, right?

  2. … if it doesn’t have a tail (cord), then it’s not a mouse, it’s a mole or vole.
    Batteries have their place, but .. I’ll keep my $10 mouse with its’ tail because it’s one less headache.

  3. My husband is trying to stop drinking red wine… because of the dentist.

    I stopped drinking red wine a couple of three years ago….. because of the dentist.

    this is what happens when one has old teeth.

    SO… Moe Family…. just bite that red wine bullet right now & move over to New Zealand whites!!!

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