Interestingly, he’s gonna be playing the Hulk in Thor: Ragnarok. Usual suspects for the main cast: also… “Other newcomers to the film include Jeff Goldblum as the eccentric Grandmaster, Tessa Thompson as the classic hero Valkyrie, and Karl Urban as Skurge.” And with Cate Blanchett as the Big Bad (Hela). That’s gonna be one long geek-fest from start to finish, in other words. Except for Tessa Thompson, who I don’t think has done geek movies before now.
…Apropos of nothing, a Thor / Hulk / Loki / Stacker Pentecost / Van Helsing / Galadriel / Dr. McCoy / Pick The Scientist Jeff Goldblum Will Be Playing movie would be AMAZINGLY good. And I even know how to make it work. My pitch? Real simple: LEGO Movie 2.
Heh, based on the title, I thought you were going to link this: and wondered why you cared…
Just re-watched both of the Thor movies again, I think they are the weakest of the official Marvel movies. Thor works best as part of the Avengers group, struggles to carry a movie alone. Maybe this new one will be better if it is treated as not just Thor but more of an assembly. Cap 2 was basically a buddy cop movie with Black Widow and was stronger for that.
Interestingly Portman wont be in the new movie, she was just kind of wasted as an actress in the first 2. And with Paltrow not being in Ultron or Civil War, wondering if they are phasing out the sidekick/girlfriend character? Interesting to see how that plays with Spiderman were MJ or Gwen are big parts of who Spiderman is.
I think that maybe they’re setting up a Tony Stark / Aunt May thing. Or at least considering it.