3 thoughts on “Tweet of the Day, NUMBER #2 IS VITAL! AVOID DEBT! AVOID DEBT! AVOID DEBT! edition.”

  1. Ye Gods. #3 to the heavens.
    To paraphrase Larry Coreia: “Because nothing else matters if you can’t GET PAID!”
    “Do what you love” only works when someone else also loves it more than they love other things of theirs, like money.

  2. Also, having some secondary skill to fall back on if your first career choice goes pear shaped is another piece of solid advice.

    1. I may have included “and always be looking at where your industry is headed” ..
      If it’s heading where you *don’t* want to go, then .. it may be time to execute your fall-back plan .. and if it’s heading someplace you *like*, it may represent an opportunity to get there *first*.
      Note, though, that this level of self-beneficial forward-thinking may tend to be beyond most college kids.

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