I was *wondering* what Elizabeth McCoy’s Twitter handle was.

Turns out it’s @emccoy_writer, which I totally did not guess when I was doing up my new Twitter account and trying to find people.  Beth’s an old friend of mine from my In Nomine days; and, hey, she apparently wrote some books while I wasn’t looking!  Funny how fifteen years can sneak up on somebody when they’re not paying attention, huh?

So, it turns out that I can’t draw eyes yet.

I guess that’s why they call it ‘practice.’

But I figure that if I spend ten or twenty minutes a day practicing beginning drawing I’ll eventually get to the point where I can sketch a credible-looking face. If nothing else, this will please my mother and sister; they’re the graphic artists of the family, and they have always stubbornly insisted that I wasn’t nearly as bad as art as I believed that I was. Said belief is partially why I took up writing in the first place, so it’d be kind of mildly ironic if/when I turn out to be mistaken about that.

At any rate… never hurts to try a new thing.

Weird. Uber sent me a work-for-us form letter?

It was clearly a form letter, but I’m kind of wondering why. I mean, I’ve used the service and I like it – but that’s the thing, right? If I had a car, why would I be using Uber? I mean, the only times that I have used Uber is when I dropped off my car at the shop and I needed to get back home. Which is arguably itself a reason why I shouldn’t drive a car for Uber: all of the ones that I’ve seen have been in pretty dang good condition.

As I said: kind of weird. Great service, though. I recommend it for anybody who doesn’t like paying through the nose for a regular cab.

In the mail: Cautionary Fables and Fairytales (Asia edition).

I Kickstarted Cautionary Fables and Fairytales (Asia edition) a while back because Kate Ashwin of the webcomic Widdershins (Which. You. Should. READ.) is one of the editors. Basically, it’s an anthology of comics, all of which are drawing from one region’s folk tradition.  In this case, Asia’s.  I like ’em, obviously, because I keep buying ’em.

…And as soon as I figure out where they’re selling these books right now I’ll let you know.