Huh. Looks like is soliciting novellas.

Starting June 5th; ends at the end of June. 20-40K words. ย …I should maybe write a couple of those. Novellas, that is. I don’t have any on hand, and I really do need to build up my stockpile of creative work. Even if I don’t sell anything here.

Moe Lane

15 thoughts on “Huh. Looks like is soliciting novellas.”

  1. God Moe, sometimes I want to punch you. You could honestly write rings around me, yet you don’t want to monetize your talent. I wish I had just a tenth of your skills and experience, yet I am writing a novel to self-publish and you are fiddling with the idea of novellas. This is a post-publisher era, Moe.
    You have sworn off political writing. Fair enough. You now no longer have an excuse for not writing a book. I know for a fact that there’s a horror/thriller just waiting for you to pull your head out of your- well, I don’t have to spell THAT out.

    1. Dude, I’ve spent the last fifteen years running sprints, and now I’m instead switching over to running 5K races. Even *I* can’t change gears right away. ๐Ÿ™‚

      1. Even *I* canโ€™t change gears right away. ๐Ÿ™‚
        Dave Barry did.

  2. Even if you blow everyone out of the water, won’t sign you:

    “As always, both Lee Harris and Carl Engle-Laird actively request submissions from writers from underrepresented populations. This includes, but is not limited to, writers of any race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, nationality, class and physical or mental ability. We believe that good science fiction and fantasy reflects the incredible diversity and potential of the human species, and hope our catalog will reflect that.”

    Although you are a member of an underrepresented (at Tor anyway) population known as “Republicans” or “Conseratives”, they will toss your submission – possibly unread – once they find out.

    1. Indeed, TOR seems to be the primary publisher behind the Hugo’s “Puppy Kickers” fiasco.
      Has “Irish” completely lost its “approved minority” status?

    2. Depends on the editor. I know they had a good one who didn’t care, but he died recently. There might possibly be a second.
      And that’s really as fair to Tor as I care to be.
      Until the company makes an actual apology, and the employees who used their platform to insult me face actual discipline for doing so, Tor will never receive another penny from me.

      1. True, and you could shop it around when Tor rejects it. Baen might take it up, since they *truly* don’t give a tinker’s damn about anything except what’s on the page, and Tor decidedly has other priorities that take precedence over the product.

      2. True. And you could self publish through Amazon.
        Having an e-reader in pocket (cleverly disguised as a phone) has caused me to read more short stories, novelettes, and novellas, than I had during the 2+ decades prior combined.

    3. If Rachel Dolezal or Shaun King can identify as black, there’s no reason Moe can’t identify as some other underrepresented population.

      1. Sure, he can “identify” as any of that, but once they find out that he’s one of *those* Republicans, none of that will matter.

        1. He could just pull a Mark Twain or a George Eliot. Then they wouldn’t know who he is.

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