Tweet of the Day, Do Not Do This With Cats edition.

It’s not that I want this story to be true – it represents somebody trying to do something absolutely awful – but if it did happen, then I want it to have played out precisely as described. Because, dagnabbit, the guy deserved it. Every. Last. Bit of it.

Moe Lane

PS: I can’t remember whether or not I linked to a version of this story before and I simply don’t care if I did.  If I did link to it before, well: the life lesson taught here is too important to not be reinforced periodically.

9 thoughts on “Tweet of the Day, Do Not Do This With Cats edition.”

  1. Quibble: it would have to be a runner-up Darwin Award, since he didn’t actually die and remove himself from the gene pool. Otherwise, good show, cats!

      1. I believe that it does qualify – the way I heard it, back in the day when the “JATO-propelled car” was passed around via NNTP, the Darwin specified “removing yourself from the gene pool” .. not *necessarily* dying in the effort.
        So .. depending on just where my cousins attached …. ‘s quite possible.

      2. So ya made me go check the Darwin Award website…sterility does indeed count.

  2. Jeez. This guy sounded like a real prize.

    This is one of those things normal people who are skydiving might think to themselves idly “I wonder..” then spend the rest of the day feeling bad about themselves for even thinking of it. This guy took the big step.

    Mental defects are real, folks.

  3. I prefer to believe that this is a hoax.
    I will not, however be going over to Snopes to verify or attempt to disprove the hypothesis.
    Because sometimes, ignorance is bliss.

  4. Not a cat owner I bet. Cats can change direction in mid air and when in danger the difference between humans and trees disappears as far as a cat is concerned.

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