Oh, look. A reboot of the reboot of Battlestar Galactica.


Look, I’m going to commit heresy, here: the miniseries was amazingly good, I watched it in pretty close to one viewing, and I stopped watching the show itself about halfway through the first season and never picked it up again. And I’m OK with that. Apparently many other people were, too.

But, seriously: why the reboot of a reboot?

5 thoughts on “Oh, look. A reboot of the reboot of Battlestar Galactica.”

  1. Sigh.
    You want to know why I’m not seeing the 2016 Ghostbusters? Because I’m tired of reboots. There are thousands upon thousands of original properties out there. Use some of them. Stop going back to the same well again and again and again.

  2. I loved the series. It suffered from executive interference early on, but once Ronald Moore got them to back off it improved immensely.

    1. And then it jumped the shark when Baltar was elected President.

      Never really recovered after that.

      1. I’m not quite there yet. I just got to the part where he announced his candidacy.

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