I think that I need more geeksites to aggregate.

Or at least be more aggressive about making lists of gaming companies and whatnot to follow.  For how can I pontificate on these things if I do not know that the things are happening, or coming out, or whatnot?  More importantly, how can I use those things as a spark that will allow me to come up with zany, off the wall ideas and seeds for the amusement of my readers, if I do not know what those things even are?  Indeed: I cannot.

Suggestions welcome. I’m looking for aggregators, mostly; I really am in need of more things to act as springboards for my own creativity. I’m not as steeped in this stuff as I used to be.

3 thoughts on “I think that I need more geeksites to aggregate.”

  1. Due to certain… cultural issues, I myself have not been able to find a lot of good websites to find out about new games.

    I have mostly been reduced to just checking out games on steam in the genres I like, then checking Youtube for trailers and/or discussion.

  2. You’ll want to set up a Kanban board to track everything. Trello does a good job for free software, and works on PC and mobile.

  3. Some friends of mine are involved in Land of the Nerds. They’re veterans, if it matters. They’re fairly strongly into cosplay, that seems to be the majority of their focus.

    I like Rock Paper Shotgun for PC gaming news, although there are so many oldish games that I want to buy on Steam it doesn’t make that much difference in my buying habits. I read Twenty Sided and listen to the Diecast [a podcast from the site]. Shamus [the main author of the site] is strongly against political discussion and does a good job of curating his comment section.

    I used to read i09 daily. Stopped, haven’t found a true replacement yet.

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