Group seed: ‘The Failed Apocalypses Salvage League.’

The Failed Apocalypses Salvage League

If you think that this sort of thing is somehow amusing, then you don’t understand the aftermath of an averted apocalypse. There are… things involved with apocalypses. Prophecies, portents, omens, artifacts, cults, signs, destinies, fates, terrors, wonders; all of these are benign, or at least reliable, when locked into a metaphysical framework that has an apocalypse at its center. Remove that apocalypse, and everything connected just goes flying out into the supernatural ecosystem, where they can muck things up for decades to come.

Hence, the League. Comprised of dedicated and experienced magical and theurgical workers, the League acts as a particularly specialized cleanup surface. It prefers to repurpose rather than destroy – after all, do most mad death cults really care which specific Dread Fate they must patiently wait in the shadows for? Of course not! – but if they can’t recycle it, repurpose it, or put it in storage, the League will excise the detritus from your average apocalypse readily enough. One must be tidy, after all.